Residential Lease Agreement With Option To Purchase Seller's Questions On Entering Into Residential Lease Option Agreement:?

Seller's questions on entering into residential Lease option agreement:? - residential lease agreement with option to purchase

I need to know if the language is generally a stronger protections in the agreement of leasing options that include the best interests of the seller on the following point: I read the sales price is determined (usually or always?) At the beginning. If at the end of the value of the option contract lease housing has been estimated that benefits only the buyers of the evaluation? They can be included as part of the buyer to have to home through the higher "in price range between the purchase price and put the current market rate (Comp / evaluation of low quality): As a seller and purchase the desire to better protect personal financial interests, which does seem reasonable to include such language.

And if it devalues the value of the house and the buyer does not buy, it seems that suffers from the sellers. All this looks like a face, but money is not refunded (???). option This can not be written off for the value. Did you have a purchase contract to a better protection?


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