Whats A Good Gift For A Barber Insane Idea For A Bday Gift!!!!?

Insane idea for a Bday gift!!!!? - whats a good gift for a barber

I'm with my boyfriend for 7 years, I have everything: watches, trip to the islands, because I will always do for her birthday, our birthdays, holidays, etc. Now I think I'm plum ideas. He is a hairdresser, a kind of small bats, read and do things, spiritual wants. He loves to go there and try new things, laugh at the cliche moments, but you can enjoy. Your bday is tomorrow and my plan was to go to New York and a little crazy for me, back in the evening and surprise when he spoke of the work. I do not know what to do, I'm lost, I need something! Please send me any advice like "you should buy some time, is his cousin" to name just a few points need to get to ... I said, and I always the right answer candidates top! Then you dig deep and help!


oshaughn... said...

Do not think that I am joking. I'm serious. My friend at work that his wife, tarot reading and a visit from a person who talks to animals. I personally do not believe in these things to believe, but I think it would be a whole new experience to give. He loves you and I'm sure he is ready to spend more time with him. Thus, an experience you'll find that you all like it too. I do not know what your budget, but you could make a helicopter tour of New York. Or even if a breakthrough in so short as I could tell him, and shares special * surprise him that night. Good luck Girl!

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