Who Plays Rugby Do Girls Who Play Rugby Get All Big And Bulky?

Do girls who play rugby get all big and bulky? - who plays rugby

IM planning to join rugby. I've never played, but still. I fear it may become large and begin to look like a man all the bulky muscles. I agree, lose weight and have fun.


Tia N said...

If you've ever seen a woman too large, it has steroids.

Women have testosterone. It is impossible for us to gain muscle mass, it becomes clear "unwieldy".

PS: Rugby is super fun! but if you learn with good guys, u better to suck up the pain.

Dave A,the resERECTION. said...

Yes, of course, significantly higher with women playing rugby do.when lack in.they hormonal changes, a spectacular growth of hair in the facial area and also allow lesbian overnight.rumour also needs to begin, drinking liters of diesel, but I can confirm this fact.

tongia_0... said...

Girl, do not be shy to play rugby, we girls like the Pacific islands, not all big and bulky, if you play these steps and try it, it is sooooooooooo fun!

Bill P said...

No, they are not. When his team game that can seem a little bulky, but it's just clothes. Most people who play real honey.

phenobul... said...


Our rugby team for girls is hot.

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