Fertility Sticks ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor Test Sticks - Not Enough Left For Next Cycle - Can I Use Anyway?

ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor Test Sticks - not enough left for next cycle - can I use anyway? - fertility sticks

I know I have to use the chopsticks in the same box my bike, but my next cycle starts next week, and my new box of test strips is not there yet. I have to order because I live abroad. Can I test strips from the last field, my field, until the arrival of the new? What is the probability that are distorting the results?


♥me.♥ said...

Hopefully. They dont guestamate really good stuff. my computer, that he began the first few months, I checked the 6th Day, my bike all the way to 21-22. I think it will be good. they sell in most stores Walmart and drugs.

chiquita... said...

I think it should be fine .... You can also ask doctors online for free to try and find people who can go through similar situations fertilityties.com
!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck

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